
There are 19 products.

Showing 1-12 of 19 item(s)

La Prova

Mixed media on canvas representing the models in the atelier doing the last fitting before the fashion show.

L'Atelier di Mosé

In this vivid painting Lorenzo Cascio recalls the visit at the atelier of Mosé,  famous Taylor of Milan during the 70ies

Cavallo rampante

Sculpture made with technique of lost wax bronze casting by the maestro Lorenzo cascio.


All the power of the Bull in this vibrant and intense work by the master Lorenzo Cascio.

Arrivo nell’atelier

The "Arrival in the atelier", a work by Lorenzo Cascio from 2023, performed mixed technique on canvas with a handmade frame with gold leaf.

Teatro a Selincumte

Painting on canvas where the artist recalls the mythology of the Theater in Selincumte with the actors of the time while reciting the ancient Greek tragedies. In the background the night with the moon and the sea just illuminated by moonlight.

Cavaliere a cavallo

45 cm diameter ceramic plate with metallic reflections obtained by reducing oxygen in the firing chamber entitled "Cavaliere a Cavallo" by Lorenzo Cascio.


Lorenzo Cascio iconic fish


One of Lorenzo Cascio's favorite subjects, The Horses, represented here on beautiful painting on canvas with the predominance of the shades of blue.


Performed with mixed media on canvas, this painting is a riot of color, a fantastic expression of the artist Cascio.


Abbraccio, depicted by the master Cascio in mixed technique on canvas with a handmade wooden frame and gold leaf.